Iron powder core magnetic ring model specifications Daquan

The following is a list of specifications for iron powder core magnetic ring, the details are as follows:

Amidon company iron powder core toroidal core model specification sheet 

Material serial number Basic iron powder Material permeability μ Temperature stability(ppm/℃) Resonant circuit frequency range(MHz) colourmark
0 Phenolic 1 0 838 electronic 100.0 - 300.0 Tan
1 Type C carbonyl 20 280 0.5 - 5.0 Blue
2 E type carbonyl 10 95 2.0 - 30.0 Red
3 HP type carbonyl 35 370 0.05 - 0.5 Grey
6 SF type carbonyl 8 35 10.0 - 50.0 Yellow
7 TH type carbonyl 9 30 5.0 - 35.0 White
10 W type carbonyl 6 150 30.0 - 100.0 Black
12 Synthetic oxide 4 170* 50.0 - 200.0 Green/White
15 GS6 type carbonyl 25 190 0.10 - 2.0 Red/White
17 carbonyl 4 50 50.00 - 200.0 Blue/Yellow
26 special 75 882

Low frequency filter


  Material serial number:0 -- Permeability 1, frequency range 100 MHz - 300 MHz, color - tan

model Outer diameter.
the inside diameter of
l e Magnetic path length
A e cross-sectional area
V e core effective volume
AL value
µh/100 ring
T-12-0 .125 .062 .050 .74 .010 .007 3.0
T-16-0 .160 .078 .060 .95 .016 .015 3.0
T-20-0 .200 .088 .070 1.15 .025 .029 3.5
T-25-0 .255 .120 .096 1.50 .042 .063 4.5
T-30-0 .307 .151 .128 1.83 .065 .119 6.0
T-37-0 .375 .205 .128 2.32 .070 .162 4.9
T-44-0 .440 .229 .159 2.67 .107 .286 6.5
T-50-0 .500 .303 .190 3.03 .121 .367 6.4
T-68-0 .690 .370 .190 4.24 .196 .831 7.5
T-80-0 .795 .495 .250 5.15 .242 1.246 8.5
T-94-0 .942 .560 .312 6.00 .385 2.310 10.6
T-106-0 1.060 .570 .437 6.50 .690 4.485 19.0
T-130-0 1.300 .780 .437 8.29 .730 6.052 15.0

Material serial number:1 -- Permeability 20, Frequency. Range 0.5 MHz to 5 MHz, Color - Blue

    model Outer diameter.
    the inside diameter of
    l e Magnetic path length
    A e Cross-sectional area
    V e Core effective volume
    AL value
    µh/100 ring
    T-12-1 .125 .062 .050 .74 .010 .007 48
    T-16-1 .160 .078 .060 .95 .016 .015 44
    T-20-1 .200 .088 .070 1.15 .025 .029 52
    T-25-1 .255 .120 .096 1.50 .042 .063 70
    T-30-1 .307 .151 .128 1.83 .065 .119 85
    T-37-1 .375 .205 .128 2.32 .070 .162 80
    T-44-1 .440 .229 .159 2.67 .107 .286 105
    T-50-1 .500 .303 .190 3.03 .121 .367 100
    T-68-1 .69 .370 .190 4.24 .196 .831 115
    T-80-1 .795 .495 .250 5.15 .242 1.246 115
    T-94-1 .942 .560 .312 6.00 .385 2.310 160
    T-106-1 1.060 .570 .437 6.50 .690 4.485 325
    T-130-1 1.300 .780 .437 8.29 .730 6.052 200
    T-157-1 1.570 .950 .570 10.05 1.140 11.457 320
    T-184-1 1.840 .950 .710 11.12 2.040 22.685 500
    T-200-1 2.000 1.250 .550 12.97 1.330 17.250 250

    Material serial number:2 -- Magnetic permeability 10, Frequency Range 2 MHz to 30 MHz, colour - red

    model Outer diameter.
    the inside diameter of
    l e Magnetic path length
    A e Cross-sectional area
    V e Core effective volume
    AL value
    µh/100 ring
    T-12-2 .125 .062 .050 .74 .010 .007 20
    T-16-2 .160 .078 .060 .95 .016 .015 22
    T-20-2 .200 .088 .070 1.15 .025 .029 25
    T-25-2 .255 .120 .096 1.50 .042 .063 34
    T-30-2 .307 .151 .128 1.83 .065 .119 43
    T-37-2 .375 .205 .128 2.32 .070 .162 40
    T-44-2 .440 .229 .159 2.67 .107 .286 52
    T-50-2 .500 .303 .190 3.03 .121 .367 49
    T-68-2 .690 .370 .190 4.24 .196 .831 57
    T-80-2 .795 .495 .250 5.15 .242 1.246 55
    T-94-2 .942 .560 .312 6.00 .385 2.310 84
    T-106-2 1.060 .780 .437 6.50 .690 4.485 135
    T-130-2 1.300 .950 .437 8.29 .730 6.052 110
    T-157-2 1.570 .950 .570 10.05 1.140 11.457 140
    T-184-2 1.840 1.250 .710 11.12 2.040 22.685 240
    T-200-2 2.000 1.250 .550 12.97 1.330 17.250 120
    T-200A-2 2.000 1.405 1.000 12.97 2.240 29.050 218
    T-225-2 2.250 1.485 .550 14.56 1.508 21.956 120
    T-225A-2 2.250 1.250 1.000 14.56 2.730 39.749 215
    T-300-2 3.058 1.925 .500 19.83 1.810 35.892 114
    T-300A-2 3.048 1.925 1.000 19.83 3.580 70.991 228
    T-400-2 4.000 2.250 .650 24.93 3.660 91.244 180
    T-400A-2 4.000 2.250 1.300 24.93 7.432 185.250 360
    T-520-2 5.200 3.080 .800 33.16 5.460 181.000 207

    Material serial number:3 -- Magnetic permeability 35, Frequency Range 0.05 MHz to 0.5 MHz, colour - gray

    model Outer diameter.
    the inside diameter of
    l e Magnetic path length
    A e Cross-sectional area
    V e Core effective volume
    AL value
    µh/100 ring
    T-12-3 .125 .062 .050 .74 .010 .007 60
    T-16-3 .160 .078 .060 .95 .016 .015 61
    T-20-3 .200 .088 .070 1.15 .025 .029 76
    T-25-3 .255 .120 .096 1.50 .042 .063 100
    T-30-3 .307 .151 .128 .183 .065 .119 140
    T-37-3 .375 .205 .128 2.32 .070 .162 120
    T-44-3 .440 .229 .159 2.67 .107 .286 180
    T-50-3 .500 .303 .190 3.03 .121 .367 175
    T-68-3 .690 .370 .190 4.24 .196 .831 195
    T-80-3 .795 .495 .250 5.15 .242 1.246 180
    T-94-3 .942 .560 .312 6.00 .385 2.310 248
    T-106-3 1.060 .570 .437 6.50 .690 4.485 450
    T-130-3 1.300 .780 .437 8.29 .730 6.052 350
    T-157-3 1.570 .950 .570 10.05 1.140 11.457 420
    T-184-3 1.840 .950 .710 11.12 2.040 22.685 720
    T-200-3 2.000 1.250 .550 12.97 1.330 17.250 425
    T-200A-3 2.000 1.250 1.000 12.97 2.240 29.050 460
    T-225-3 2.250 1.405 .550 14.56 1.508 21.956 425

    Material serial number:6-- Magnetic permeability 8, Frequency Range 10 MHz to 50 MHz, colour - yellow

    model Outer diameter.
    the inside diameter of
    l e Magnetic path length
    A e Cross-sectional area
    V e Core effective volume
    AL value
    µh/100 ring
    T-12-6 .125 .062 .050 .74 .010 .007 17
    T-16-6 .160 .078 .060 .95 .016 .015 19
    T-20-6 .200 .088 .070 1.15 .025 .029 22
    T-25-6 .255 .120 .096 1.50 .042 .063 27
    T-30-6 .307 .151 .128 .183 .065 .119 36
    T-37-6 .375 .205 .128 2.32 .070 .162 30
    T-44-6 .440 .229 .159 2.67 .107 .286 42
    T-50-6 .500 .303 .190 3.03 .121 .367 46
    T-68-6 .690 .370 .190 4.24 .196 .831 47
    T-80-6 .795 .495 .250 5.15 .242 1.246 45
    T-94-6 .942 .560 .312 6.00 .385 2.310 70
    T-106-6 1.060 .570 .437 6.50 .690 4.485 116
    T-130-6 1.300 .780 .437 8.29 .730 6.052 96
    T-157-6 1.570 .950 .570 10.05 1.140 11.457 115
    T-184-6 1.840 .950 .710 11.12 2.040 22.685 195
    T-200-6 2.000 1.250 .550 12.97 1.330 17.250 100
    T-200A-6 2.000 1.250 1.000 12.97 2.240 29.050 180
    T-225-6 2.250 1.405 .550 14.56 1.508 21.956 100

    Material serial number:7 -- Magnetic permeability 9, Frequency Range 3 MHz to 35 MHz, colour - white

    model Outer diameter.
    the inside diameter of
    l e Magnetic path length
    A e Cross-sectional area
    V e Core effective volume
    AL value
    µh/100 ring
    T-25-7 .255 .120 .096 1.50 .042 .063 29
    T-37-7 .375 .205 .128 2.32 .070 .162 32
    T-50-7 .500 .303 .190 3.03 .121 .367 43
    T-68-7 .690 .370 .190 4.24 .196 .831 52

    Material serial number:10-- Magnetic permeability 6, Frequency Range 30 MHz to 100 MHz, colour - black

    model Outer diameter.
    the inside diameter of
    l e Magnetic path length
    A e Cross-sectional area
    V e Core effective volume
    AL value
    µh/100 ring
    T-12-10 .125 .062 .050 .74 .010 .007 12
    T-16-10 .160 .078 .060 .95 .016 .015 13
    T-20-10 .200 .088 .070 1.15 .025 .029 16
    T-25-10 .255 .120 .096 1.50 .042 .063 19
    T-30-10 .307 .151 .128 .183 .065 .119 25
    T-37-10 .375 .205 .128 2.32 .070 .162 25
    T-44-10 .440 .229 .159 2.67 .107 .286 33
    T-50-10 .500 .303 .190 3.03 .121 .367 31
    T-68-10 .690 .370 .190 4.24 .196 .831 32
    T-80-10 .795 .495 .250 5.15 .242 1.246 32
    T-94-10 .942 .560 .312 6.00 .385 2.310 58

    Material serial number:12-- Magnetic permeability 4, Frequency Range 50 MHz to 200 MHz, colour -Green white

    model Outer diameter.
    the inside diameter of
    l e Magnetic path length
    A e Cross-sectional area
    V e Core effective volume
    AL value
    µh/100 ring
    T-12-12 .125 .062 .050 .74 .010 .007 7.5
    T-16-12 .160 .078 .060 .95 .016 .015 8.0
    T-20-12 .200 .088 .070 1.15 .025 .029 10
    T-25-12 .255 .120 .096 1.50 .042 .063 12.0
    T-30-12 .307 .151 .128 .183 .065 .119 16.0
    T-37-12 .375 .205 .128 2.32 .070 .162 15.0
    T-44-12 .440 .229 .159 2.67 .107 .286 18.5
    T-50-12 .500 .303 .190 3.03 .121 .367 18.0
    T-68-12 .690 .370 .190 4.24 .196 .831 21.0
    T-80-12 .795 .495 .250 5.15 .242 1.246 22.0
    T-94-12 .942 .560 .312 6.00 .385 2.310 32.0

    Material serial number:15-- Magnetic permeability 25, Frequency Range 0.1 MHz to 2.0 MHz, colour - red white

    model Outer diameter.
    the inside diameter of
    l e Magnetic path length
    A e Cross-sectional area
    V e Core effective volume
    AL value
    µh/100 ring
    T-12-15 .125 .062 .050 .74 .010 .007 50
    T-16-15 .160 .078 .060 .95 .016 .015 55
    T-20-15 .200 .088 .070 1.15 .025 .029 65
    T-25-15 .255 .120 .096 1.50 .042 .063 85
    T-30-15 .307 .151 .128 .183 .065 .119 93
    T-37-15 .375 .205 .128 2.32 .070 .162 90
    T-44-15 .440 .229 .159 2.67 .107 .286 160
    T-50-15 .500 .303 .190 3.03 .121 .367 135
    T-68-15 .690 .370 .190 4.24 .196 .831 180
    T-80-15 .795 .495 .250 5.15 .242 1.246 170
    T-94-15 .942 .560 .312 6.00 .385 2.310 200
    T-106-15 1.060 .570 .437 6.50 .690 4.485 345
    T-130-15 1.300 .780 .437 8.29 .730 6.052 250
    T-157-15 1.570 .950 .570 10.05 1.140 11.457 360

    Material serial number:17-- Magnetic permeability 4, Frequency Range 20 MHz to 200 MHz, colour - Blue and yellow

    model Outer diameter.
    the inside diameter of
    l e Magnetic path length
    A e Cross-sectional area
    V e Core effective volume
    AL value
    µh/100 ring
    T-12-17 .125 .062 .050 .74 .010 .007 7.5
    T-16-17 .160 .078 .060 .95 .016 .015 8.0
    T-20-17 .200 .088 .070 1.15 .025 .029 10.0
    T-25-17 .255 .120 .096 1.50 .042 .063 12.0
    T-30-17 .307 .151 .128 .183 .065 .119 16.0
    T-37-17 .375 .205 .128 2.32 .070 .162 15.0
    T-44-17 .440 .229 .159 2.67 .107 .286 18.5
    T-50-17 .500 .303 .190 3.03 .121 .367 18.0
    T-68-17 .690 .370 .190 4.24 .196 .831 21.0
    T-80-17 .795 .495 .250 5.15 .242 1.246 32.0
    T-90-17 .942 .560 .312 6.00 .385 2.310 32.0